2,6 miliarde de lei au investit românii în ultima emisiune de titluri d e stat Fidelis. Prin cele şase oferte derulate în 2024 la Bursa de Valori Bucureşti (BVB), Ministerul Finanţelor a atras de la populaţie o sumă record de 16,4 miliarde lei (3,3 miliarde euro), reprezentând 40% din valoarea cumulată a tuturor celor 20 de ediţii Fidelis derulate din august 2020 până în prezent, potrivit news.ro.
The main idea of the text is that the Romanian government raised a record sum of 16.4 billion lei (3.3 billion euros) through six Fidelis bond offerings in 2024, representing 40% of the total raised from all 20 Fidelis editions since 2020. This highlights the strong investor interest in these government-backed securities. The text also mentions that 2.6 billion lei were invested specifically in the latest Fidelis bond offering. The article concludes by noting that these Fidelis bonds will be available for trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) but doesn't specify when.